micro service

From monolith to micro service

If you run a software solution that was built over 10 years ago, you most likely operate a monolith. And if you are still active in today’s software development world, you are probably thinking of migrating to a micro service architecture, if not, let’s check if you should.

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Tailor made vs off-the-shelf

You have an ecommerce website running under Woocommerce, Magento, Prestashop or Shopify etc… it is selling well but you are now looking to fully customize the experience you provide to your customers and are limited by what you can do with your current platform ?

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speed ttfb

3 reasons why your ecommerce website speed matters

In general, people don’t like to wait, wherever they are, whatever they are doing. Online, their tolerance level is even lower!

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mobile app development

Mobile Site vs. Mobile App: A Guide for European Businesses

Going mobile is a no brainer, but what's best for users on the go, a responsive website or a mobile app ?

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popular mobile app

Recipe for a successful mobile app

You are considering building a mobile app and you would like to know what are key ingredients to increase your odds of building a successful app ? Read on!

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ecommerce b2b

B2B Ecommerce: Opportunities and challenges in Europe

eCommerce often resonates with retail, if your business targets other businesses, it could be a great growth channel.

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eCommerce order workflow tailored

Why your eCommerce order workflow matters

Most of the time, merchants rely on standard eCommerce order workflows. Little do they know that this process has a direct impact on their customer experience.

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ecommerce delivery

eCommerce delivery options for growth

Who could expect that you could increase sales and loyalty through an often overlooked step of your eCommerce business, delivery options.

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mobile app development

4 mistakes to avoid when building your mobile app

Europe’s app market is booming, but common pitfalls can derail your success.

From rigorous QA to laser-focused targeting, discover four ways to stand out.

Launch with confidence—wowing users from first tap onward.

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